Sunday, October 14, 2007

Update on Me

To be honest, this whole blog thing has started to make me feel a combination of narcissism and anxiety at the same time. “Why?” you might ask. Well, either lots of people are reading the blog, and are loving it, or nobody is reading it and I am wasting my time. I’m really not sure which one is true, by I guess I should just continue loving myself and not worry about whether anybody thinks I’m funny or entertaining (Note: Does anybody think that?). I figured I would dedicate this blog to letting everyone know that all things considered, I’m doing pretty well.

Physically, I feel fine. I have lost a bit of weight since I got here, but I don’t think it is an unhealthy amount. I won’t say how much because either my mom or the Peace Corps Medical Staff may be reading and I just don’t want to have that discussion with either entity. I certainly eat regularly (reference previous entry) and I get plenty of exercise since my work is a good 20 minute walk from my house. I probably don’t eat as many fruits and vegetables as I should, but I never did, so why change now? I still have all the teeth I came here with and nothing is broken (that I am aware of). I don’t get to bathe as often as I like (I am going on two weeks since my last sauna/bath) but I try to make up for it with baby wipes and powder. Besides that, I’m as fit as a fiddle.
Mentally, I’m doing pretty well. I don’t think I’m going crazy, but you never can tell. I do have to admit that I really do not have enough to keep me occupied right now, but hopefully that will change as soon as I can get into a steady work habit. My nights are very cold and sometimes that keeps me from getting the optimal amount of sleep I need, but that is not terribly bad either. Besides that, there really isn’t much going on upstairs!
Spiritually, I’m doing great. All the volunteers and locals here have been great and I have already formed a good network if I do need any help. My language is improving almost daily, so I have a great motivation to keep learning and applying myself. My family is absolutely amazing and I do get to talk to the folks back home (especially Stephanie) on a pretty regular basis. I still feel like I just want to tackle every problem in the whole country. I guess that means I am still pretty ambitious enough to get something done (maybe).
Hopefully, that didn’t make anyone cry of boredom or shame. In short, I’m doing well over here, but of course missing some of the little things. Volunteers often talk of missing certain foods (peanut butter and fast food are the big ones) but I have to admit I am enjoying the food. I will also admit that I broke down and asked mom to send Frank’s Red Hot sauce to me. The food here just has no kick! I miss everybody in the States but I have to focus on new relationships and making them work.
With all that said, I just want everybody to know that I officially have 707 days left of PCV life. I am looking forward to them all, almost as much as day 708.


Anonymous said...

hey Jonathan!

just wanted to let you know that i do sometimes read your blog and admire you for going throught this!

wish i had the guts to do it!stay health!

SBaas said...

Your mother loves you, but you should bathe at least weekly! What will people think of this lanky American who stinks? Are you at least wearing clean clothes??
If I come visit, do I have to go with out bathing, too???????
Now about your weight? Are you shrinking out of your clothes?
Game 4 of CO Rockies and AZ Diamondbacks has just started....will keep you posted.
Hugs & Kisses -- Mom
P.S. I look for new additions to your blog daily. Love ya'

Darrel said...

we're reading, jon, yong and wang and i were talking the other week about you and they're reading the blog too. show us some pictures of the food and the places you go on a daily basis, if you can. also picture of your family.

Gecko7 said...

Your hair looks like mine after one day. I share your Mom's comments. Just returned from elk hunt. I got one this year. Doug killed on opening day right after shooting time started, I waited until almost dark on Saturday. Gutting in the dark is a great experience. Good question: There are three mammals that have ivory can you name them? D'Backs just couldn't hold back the Rockies. My bet is they win the series in five.